Canadian Pacific Railway

美 [kəˈneɪdiən pəˈsɪfɪk ˈreɪlweɪ]英 [kəˈneɪdiən pəˈsɪfɪk ˈreɪlweɪ]
  • 加拿大太平洋铁路(公司);缩写词为C.P.R.
Canadian Pacific RailwayCanadian Pacific Railway
  1. The Canadian Pacific Railway soon recognized the tourist value of the Canadian Rockies .


  2. When was the Canadian Pacific Railway finished it was finished in the late1800s .


  3. The railway , the Canadian Pacific Railway ( CPR ) was completed before the agreed deadline . 1 Plant location along with the size of the distillation , refining , blending , and oil storage facilities as well as the construction schedule and the plant completion date .


  4. Nineteenth century Canadian Pacific visionary , William Cornelius Van Horne , dreamt of building lavish rest stops alongside the newly constructed Canadian Pacific Railway .
